Colloidal Concrete
Colloidal concrete differs from ordinary concrete in many significant ways. In its initial fluid, or “plastic” phase it exhibits great density and adhesiveness. This tough and sticky consistency allows for a longer working period for the mixture to flow effectively into its desired placement locations. The formula also provides a much greater degree of self-compression and compacting during the curing phase.
These properties are obtained by combining a colloidal additive to a suitable concrete composition. Thanks to the viscous and adhesive consistency of colloidal concrete, it is highly resistant to erosion and washout from water flows.
Because of these characteristics, colloidal concrete can be used underwater in either reinforced or non-reinforced applications, to penetrate and solidify loose rubble, surrounding defensive embankments, as protective coatings on the exposed surfaces of dikes and to produce a homogeneous concrete amalgam. The use of colloidal concrete in these situations is especially designed to prevent flushing out of the concrete during pouring and curing.